
mise (meez or mIz), n. [Law French] Hist. 1. Expenses incurred in litigation. 2. The general issue in a writ of right. • When a tenant pleads superior title to the plaintiff, the tenant is said to join the mise on the mere right. 3. A settlement; a compromise, as in the Mise of Lewes […]

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mise n. (1)(普通法)权利令状中的争论点 在普通法诉讼中,如果土地承租人〔tenant〕申辩他的权利优先于原告的权利,就可以说他参与了土地名义权利的争论。 (2)〈盎格鲁-法兰克〉金钱开支 特指交税。 (3)协议;和解;妥协 如亨利三世〔Henry Ⅲ〕与叛乱贵族于1264年达成的《刘易斯协议》〔Mise of Lewes〕。 (4)诉讼费用

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