municipal law

municipal law (1)国内法 指仅与一国公民和居民有关的法律,区别于国际法。 (2)〈美〉市政法人法 指仅与镇、市和村以及它们的地方政府有关的法律。 (3)〈美〉市镇特殊习惯 (4)〈美〉民事行为规则 由州最高权力机关作出规定,使正确行为得以畅行而错误行为受到禁止。

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municipal law

municipal law. 1. The ordinances and other laws applicable within a city, town, or other local governmental entity. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 105. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 247–251.] 2. The internal law of a nation, as opposed to international law.

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