no evidence

no evidence

no evidence 缺乏证据 在陪审团已依法就事实作出裁断后,法院得以「证据不足」为理由作出与该裁断相反的判决。此项判决叫做judgment non obstante veredicto(意即「尽管陪审团已有裁断而作出的与其相反的判决」)。所谓「缺乏证据」或「证据不足」包括以下四种情况:1对至关重要的事实完全没有证据;2根据法律规定或证据规则,法院对所提出的有关至关重要的事实的唯一证据应不予考虑;3所提出的证明至关重要的事实的证据是微不足道的;4所提出的证据有说服力地证明了与至关重要的事实相反的情况。「缺乏证据」常被用来作为上诉理由,请求上诉法院作出与原审法院判决相反的判决。 (→non obstante veredicto)

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no evidence

no evidence. 1. The lack of a legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable fact-finder to rule in favor of the party who bears the burden of proof (there is no evidence in the record about his whereabouts at midnight). • Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a party can move for judgment as

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