open verdict
open verdict 死因(或凶手)不明的裁断 验尸官陪审团〔coroner’s jury〕所作的一种裁断,该种裁断只是确认某人死亡但不知其死于何种原因或被何人致死,亦即陪审团不能确认发生了何种犯罪行为或不知犯罪人是谁。
open verdict 死因(或凶手)不明的裁断 验尸官陪审团〔coroner’s jury〕所作的一种裁断,该种裁断只是确认某人死亡但不知其死于何种原因或被何人致死,亦即陪审团不能确认发生了何种犯罪行为或不知犯罪人是谁。
A verdict of a coroner’s jury finding that the subject “came to his death by means to the jury unknown” or “came to his death at the hands of a person or persons to the jury unknown.” • This verdict leaves open either the question whether any crime was committed or the identity of the