passive loss

passive loss

passive loss 〈美〉消极损失 在税法中,下列三方面的任何损失均为消极损失:1来自于纳税人未实质参与的活动中的损失;2来自于租赁活动的损失,但个人积极参与者除外;3来自避税活动的损失。消极损失的扣减建立在其活动的时间和类型的基础上并受到限制。在进行投资活动的年度中,任何为实际发生的年度所限制的消极损失可全额扣减。消极损失限制从1987年起开始逐步采用。(→passive income; portfolio income)

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passive loss

A loss, with limited tax deductibility, from an activity in which the taxpayer does not materially participate, from a rental activity, or from a tax-shelter activity. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3418. C.J.S. Internal Revenue § 199.]

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