personal covenant
A covenant that creates a personal right or obligation enforceable only between the cove-nanting parties and that is not binding on the heirs or assigns of the parties. Cf. covenant running with the land.
A covenant that creates a personal right or obligation enforceable only between the cove-nanting parties and that is not binding on the heirs or assigns of the parties. Cf. covenant running with the land.
personal covenant 对人契约 仅对缔约人本人有约束力的契约。该契约及其履约责任等并不随作为标的物的土地转让,对方也不能向缔约人的继承人、财产代管人、受让人等索还标的物或要求履行。区别于对物契约〔real covenant〕。 (→covenant running with the land)