pignoratio 〈拉〉(罗马法) (1)质押契约;质押之债 其中须将担保物移交债权人占有。 (→pledge) (2)扣押;留置(牲口) 将损害自己财产之他人的牲口关起来,直到其主人偿付看管的费用和损失为止。
pignoratio 〈拉〉(罗马法) (1)质押契约;质押之债 其中须将担保物移交债权人占有。 (→pledge) (2)扣押;留置(牲口) 将损害自己财产之他人的牲口关起来,直到其主人偿付看管的费用和损失为止。
pignoratio (pig-n[schwa]-ray-shee-oh), n. [Latin] 1. Roman law. The real contract (pignus) under which a debtor handed something over to a creditor as security; the act of depositing as a pledge. — Also spelled pigneratio. 2. Civil law. The impounding of another’s cattle (or other animals) that have damaged property until the cattle’s owner pays for