
police n. (1)警察机构;警察部门 政府的一个职能部门,主要负责维持公共秩序,促进公共安全,预防和侦查犯罪。 (2)警察 警察机构中的官员。该词虽然是一个集合名词,但是在英国和美国的英语中都用作复数。

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police, n. 1. The governmental department charged with the preservation of public order, the promotion of public safety, and the prevention and detection of crime. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 180. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 450–451, 453, 473–476, 497, 502, 505, 508, 534.] 2. The officers or members of this department. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 184. C.J.S. Municipal

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