
poll, n. 1. A sampling of opinions on a given topic, conducted randomly or obtained from a specified group. 2. The act or process of voting at an election. 3. The result of the counting of votes. 4. (usu. pl.) The place where votes are cast. poll, vb. 1. To ask how each member of […]

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poll n. (1)头;人头 (2)一人;一组人中的一个 (3)计(人)数;点数 (4)投票;记票;点票 (5)投票结果;投票数 (6)(复)投票地点;选举地点;政治选举;大选 (7)民意测验 (8)名单;选民名单;陪审员名单 (9)人头税(=poll(-)tax) v. (10)剪断;截去 (11)投票;接受(或统计)投票;记票;点票;得票 (12)进行民意测验 (13)登记选民;登记纳税人 (14)征询陪审团 (15)征询委员会 要求委员会成员逐个明确表态。

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