pone per vadium

pone per vadium 〈英〉担保传唤令状 旧时一种指示郡长拘传被告到庭的令状。即由郡长取得被告的一定财物,或责令被告提供出庭保证人〔safe pledge〕。如被告不出庭,即没收担保物或裁定由保证人支付罚金。因该令状含有下述词句:pone per vadium et salvos plegios (直译为:提供担保物或出庭保证人),故名。

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pone per vadium

pone per vadium (poh-nee p[schwa]r vay-dee-[schwa]m). [Latin] Hist. A writ commanding the sheriff to summon a defendant who has failed to appear in response to an initial writ by attaching some of the defendant’s property and requiring the defendant to find sureties. • It was so called from the words of the writ, pone per

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