poor law
Poor Law. Hist. The British law that provided relief to paupers, originally on the parish level and supported by property taxes. • The Poor Law was supplanted in 1948 by the National Assistance Act.
Poor Law. Hist. The British law that provided relief to paupers, originally on the parish level and supported by property taxes. • The Poor Law was supplanted in 1948 by the National Assistance Act.
poor law 〈英〉济贫法 指一系列公共的或强制的,旨在限制乞讨的济贫法律。1601年《济贫法》〔Poor Relief Act〕规定每年在各个堂区任命济贫助理〔overseers〕,负责在堂区内向所有居民、牧师和土地持有者征收济贫税〔poor rate〕,安顿堂区孤儿。为了管理堂区的济贫工作,各堂区相互合并组成联合济贫会〔poor law union〕,由济贫会〔board of guardians〕控制。1782年堂区被授权可任命济贫会委员〔guardian〕代替济贫助理。1834年《济贫法修正法》〔Poor Law Amendment Act〕规定由济贫法委员会〔Poor Law Commissioners〕监督管理济贫事务,但其职能于1914年转交卫生部〔Ministry of Health〕。1925年《计征不动产税与估价法》〔Rating and Valuation Act〕规定济贫税为每个地区必须征收的一般税,废除济贫助理和济贫会,其权力、职责和财产转交当地政府机构。1948年《国家补助法》〔National Assistance Act〕废除了济贫法。