prior art

prior art

Patents. Knowledge that is publicly known, used by others, or available on the date of invention to a person of ordinary skill in an art, including what would be obvious from that knowledge. • Prior art includes (1) information in applications for previously patented inventions; (2) information that was published more than one year before […]

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prior art

prior art 现有技术;在先技术 现存的技术信息,可据以否定类似发明的新颖性和非显而易见性。现有技术包括对本专业普通技术人员来说,在特定时间可知的、或从可知技术可显而易见得知的信息;尤指在授予或拒绝授予一类似发明之前,专利局或法院所分析的早先受专利法保护的发明创造的内容。

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