
prize. 1. Something of value awarded in recognition of a person’s achievement. 2. A vessel or cargo captured at sea or seized in port by the forces of a nation at war, and therefore liable to being condemned or appropriated as enemy property. [Cases: War and National Emergency 28. C.J.S. War and National Defense §§ […]

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prize n. (1)奖赏;奖品;奖金;悬赏 (2)捕获 指海上交战国的军舰或私掠船〔privateer〕在海上虏获敌国船舶与货物等并予以没收或征用的行为。 (3)捕获品;捕获场 属交战一方所有而为另一方的军舰或私掠船在海上、根据国际法捕获并没收的船舶或货物。

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