
proctor. 1. One appointed to manage the affairs of another. 2. An advocate who represents clients in ecclesiastical courts; PROCURATOR(4). 3. DIVORCE PROCTOR . 4. An advocate who represents a party in the admiralty side of a district court. — Also termed (in sense 4) proctor in admiralty.

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proctor n. (1)代办人 (2)代诉人 旧时在教会法院与海事法院执业的诉讼代理人,相当于其他法院的律师。英国1873-1875年《司法组织法》〔Judicature Acts〕颁发后归入事务律师〔solicitor〕。 (3)〈英〉(坎特伯雷或约克教省教牧人员代表大会〔convocation〕中,主教参事会〔chapters〕和各教区的神职人员的)代表 (4)(牛津大学和剑桥大学的)学监 (5)(旧时什一税的)征税官

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