
protocol. 1. A summary of a document or treaty. 2. A treaty amending and supplementing another treaty. [Cases: Treaties 8. C.J.S. Treaties § 6.] 3. The formal record of the proceedings of a conference or congress. — Also termed procès-verbal. 4. The minutes of a meeting, usu. initialed by all participants after confirming accuracy. 5. […]

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protocol n. (1)(条约、契约等文件的)草案;草约 (2)(对条约予以修订或补充的)议定书;协议书 (3)会议纪要;会谈备忘录 (4)礼节;外交礼仪 (5)(宪章、教皇诏书等的)首尾格式;程式 (6)〈美〉条约处(司) 国务院负责起草条约与协定的部门。

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