quod ei deforceat

quod ei deforceat (kwod ee-I di-for-see-[schwa]t), n. [Law Latin “that he deforces him”] Hist. A writ allowed by St. Westm. 2, 13 Edw., ch. 4 for the owners of a particular estate (such as a life estate or fee tail) who had lost land unwittingly by default in a possessory action. • Up to that […]

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quod ei deforceat

quod ei deforceat 〈拉〉(英格兰古法)恢复因未出庭而失去占有之地产的令状 由《威斯敏斯特法Ⅱ》所规定,向因未出庭或其它过错而其占有权受到阻却的先行地产保有人〔owners of a particular estate〕所颁发,这些人包括终身地产保有人、寡妇地产保有人、鳏夫地产保有人及限嗣继承地产保有人等。依此,他们可以重新恢复其占有权。

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