quod permittat
quod permittat 〈拉〉(英格兰古法)允准令状 在以下两种情况下签发:修建房屋、围墙构成对他人的妨害时,发给修建者;发给共牧权〔common of pasture〕被侵夺者之继承人,针对的是侵夺者的继承人。
quod permittat 〈拉〉(英格兰古法)允准令状 在以下两种情况下签发:修建房屋、围墙构成对他人的妨害时,发给修建者;发给共牧权〔common of pasture〕被侵夺者之继承人,针对的是侵夺者的继承人。
quod permittat (kwod p[schwa]r-mit-it), n. [Latin “that he permit”] Hist. A writ to prevent an interference in the exercise of a right, such as a writ for the heir of someone disseised of a common of pasture against the heir of the disseisor.