recapture clause

recapture clause (1)追回条款 一种合同条款,它规定对货物价格进行限定,否则,当市场条件与合同的预先约定存在重大变化时,出卖人有权重新取得所交付的货物。 (2)收回条款 一种商业性不动产租赁合同条款,它规定出租人在固定租金额的基础上有权获得一定比例的承租人收益,并且当其收益过低时,有权收回出租物。

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recapture clause

recapture clause. 1. A contract provision that limits prices or allows for the recovery of goods if market conditions greatly differ from what the contract anticipated. 2. A commercial-lease provision that grants the landlord both a percentage of the tenant’s profits above a fixed amount of rent and the right to terminate the lease —

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