rei interventus

rei interventus 〈拉〉(苏格兰)介入行为 合同一方当事人经另一方同意而作出的一定行为,并据此构成部分履行,即使合同原来并不完善,另一方也不得拒绝履行义务,否则构成违约。例如,若卖方允许买方占有出卖物,则其不能在事后否认该合同。它相当于英国法上的一项衡平法原则——合同部分履行原则。

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rei interventus

rei interventus (ree-I in-t[schwa]r-ven-t[schwa]s), n. [Latin “things intervening”] Actions or efforts by one party to a contract with the consent of the other party, so that the one party has made a partial performance and the other cannot repudiate without being in breach.

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