
remittitur (1)案件发回原审法院重审 (2)减免赔偿额 陪审团所确定的赔偿额明显过高时,法官可指令原告予以部分免除。法官也可决定案件全部重新审理或对损害赔偿部分重新审理。(→additur) remittitur 2 (1)案件发回原审法院重审 (2)减免赔偿额 陪审团所确定的赔偿额明显过高时,法官可指令原告予以部分免除。法官也可决定案件全部重新审理或对损害赔偿部分重新审理。(→additur)

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remittitur (ri-mit-i-t[schwa]r). 1. An order awarding a new trial, or a damages amount lower than that awarded by the jury, and requiring the plaintiff to choose between those alternatives (the defendant sought a remittitur of the $100 million judgment). 2. The process by which a court requires either that the case be retried, or that

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