
resale n. (1)再出售;再卖 指出卖人将货物或其它物品出售给买受人后又将其出售给他人。出卖人有时约定在买受人不按时支付价款时保留再出售的权利;有时(例如易变质物品)无此项保留也有权将物品再出售。 (2)零售零售商自厂家或批发商处购入货物,然后分散出售。(→retail; retailer)

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resale, n. 1. The act of selling goods or property — previously sold to a buyer who breached the sales contract — to someone else. UCC § 2-706. [Cases: Sales 332–339. C.J.S. Sales §§ 344–347.] 2. A retailer’s selling of goods, previously purchased from a manufacturer or wholesaler, usu. to consumers or to someone else

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