resumption. 1. The taking back of property previously given up or lost. 2. Hist. The retaking by the Crown or other authority of lands or rights previously given to another (as because of false suggestion or other error).
resumption. 1. The taking back of property previously given up or lost. 2. Hist. The retaking by the Crown or other authority of lands or rights previously given to another (as because of false suggestion or other error).
resumption n. (1)(英格兰古法)因大臣进谏错误或其它失误而由国王收回已转让或分封给别人的土地 该词用于亨利六世1452年颁布的一项法令中。 (2)收回租赁地依据租约中保留的权利,出租人在一定条件下可以收回部分或全部租赁地产。农业租地契约中通常都会为出租人因建筑或其它目的而保留全部或部分租赁地的收回权,条件是减免租金或作出补偿。退租通知〔notice to quit〕仅在普通法上有效,而租赁地的收回权则必须由制定法特别规定,但1948年的《农业保有地法》〔Agricultural Holdings Act〕则为此提供了便利,为了某些特殊目的,退租通知可以用来收回租赁地。而修订后的1908年的一项制定法则赋予了因工业目的而被地方政府强制征用地产之所有人收回占有的权力。