Riot Act

Riot Act (英格兰古法)《暴乱治罪法》 1714年通过的规定暴乱犯罪并恢复詹姆斯叛乱〔Jacobite rebellion〕时期的法律秩序的制定法。起初,破坏财产的暴乱行为可视为对王室的反叛。该法对此加以明确规定:对于任何12人以上非法骚乱地聚集在一起扰乱公共治安的行为,治安官或有类似职权的人可以国王的名义并以本法规定的形式宣布驱散命令。自该命令宣布起1小时内,非法集会人员应予解散,否则以重罪论处。治安官对拒不撤散的人可予以逮捕,对任何暴乱者的死亡或受伤不负法律责任。由此而产生「宣读暴乱治罪法」〔reading the Riot Act〕一词。该法于1967年被废止。

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riot act

Riot Act. A 1714 English statute that made it a capital offense for 12 or more rioters to continue together for an hour after a magistrate has officially proclaimed that rioters must disperse. • This statute was not generally accepted in the United States and did not become a part of American common law. It

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