sabotage n. 阴谋破坏;蓄意破坏 指蓄意毁坏、损伤或故意生产有瑕疵的战略或国防物资,或破坏军事房屋及军事设施;亦指在劳动争议期间蓄意损坏僱主的财产或干扰其正常营业。
sabotage (sab-[schwa]-tahzh), n. 1. The destruction, damage, or knowingly defective production of materials, premises, or utilities used for national defense or for war.18 USCA §§ 2151 et seq. [Cases: War and National Emergency 53. C.J.S. War and National Defense § 67.] 2. The willful and malicious destruction of an em-ployer’s property or interference with an