secret trust
secret trust 秘密信托 一种遗嘱信托,指立遗嘱人基于受遗赠人如下明示或默示的允诺而将财产遗赠给后者:受遗赠人将为某一第三人的利益而保管财产或将财产全部或一部分用于某项慈善事业。
secret trust 秘密信托 一种遗嘱信托,指立遗嘱人基于受遗赠人如下明示或默示的允诺而将财产遗赠给后者:受遗赠人将为某一第三人的利益而保管财产或将财产全部或一部分用于某项慈善事业。
An instrument, usu. a will, that appears to give an absolute gift to another although the donee has orally agreed with the grantor that he or she is to use the property for the benefit of some third party. • Courts admit evidence of the promise to prevent unjust enrichment and enforce it by imposing