short sale
short sale 卖空 卖方在卖出股票时并不真正拥有股票,但在合同约定的将来交割的日期或时间他必须以某种途径获得这种股票以完成交割。卖空者通常是借入股票来交割,若该卖空者随后能以较低价格买进这种股票,那么他就获利;如果价格上升,他就蒙受损失。商品卖空指在将来某日以某一规定价格交割某种商品的承诺。
short sale 卖空 卖方在卖出股票时并不真正拥有股票,但在合同约定的将来交割的日期或时间他必须以某种途径获得这种股票以完成交割。卖空者通常是借入股票来交割,若该卖空者随后能以较低价格买进这种股票,那么他就获利;如果价格上升,他就蒙受损失。商品卖空指在将来某日以某一规定价格交割某种商品的承诺。
A sale of a security that the seller does not own or has not contracted for at the time of sale, and that the seller must borrow to make delivery. • Such a sale is usu. made when the seller expects the security’s price to drop. If the price does drop, the seller can make