silent partner
A partner who shares in the profits but who has no active voice in management of the firm and whose existence is often not publicly disclosed. — Also termed dormant partner. [Cases: Partnership 90. C.J.S. Partnership § 39.]
A partner who shares in the profits but who has no active voice in management of the firm and whose existence is often not publicly disclosed. — Also termed dormant partner. [Cases: Partnership 90. C.J.S. Partnership § 39.]
silent partner 隐名合伙人 指不参与对合伙企业的经营管理但分享收益并分担亏损的投资人,因其通常不被公开披露,故得名。亦作「dormant partner」,或称为有限合伙人〔limited partner〕。 (→dormant partner; limited partner)