social contract

social contract. The express or implied agreement between citizens and their government by which individuals agree to surrender certain freedoms in exchange for mutual protection; an agreement forming the foundation of a political society. • The term is primarily associated with political philosophers, such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and esp. Jean Jacques Rousseau, though […]

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social contract

social contract 社会契约 是政治哲学术语,用于霍布斯、洛克和卢梭等人有关社会的起源的理论中。卢梭认为,人类原本生活在自然状态中,其禀性不好斗且胆怯;法律产生于结合在一起的人所达成的契约,即为了相互得以保护而交出个人自由,因此政府必须建立在受统治者同意的基础之上。

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