
spread, n. 1. Banking. The difference between the interest rate that a financial institution must pay to attract deposits and the rate at which money can be loaned. 2. Securities. The difference between the highest price a buyer will pay for a security (the bid price) and the lowest price at which a seller will […]

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spread n. (1)(银行法)利差 (2)(证券法)差价 指证券市场上买方的最高报价与卖方的最低要价之间的差额。 (3)(证券法)期权差价 对同一证券同时买进和卖出一个或多个期权合同,以赚取价差。 (4)差价;包销人佣金 在投资银行业务领域,包销商支付给发行人的价格与社会公众在首次发行中支付的价格的差额。该差价主要补偿包销人的费用,如经理人费用、包销人折扣以及证券销售集团的让价或折扣等。又称作「gross spread」;「underwriting spread」。

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