standard of need
standard of need 〈美〉生活必需标准 公共救济法〔public assistance law〕中,州政府确定的个人或家庭的总体需求,若依其相关的生活来源达不到这一标准,该个人或家庭可成为公共救济的对象。
standard of need 〈美〉生活必需标准 公共救济法〔public assistance law〕中,州政府确定的个人或家庭的总体需求,若依其相关的生活来源达不到这一标准,该个人或家庭可成为公共救济的对象。
standard of need. In public-assistance law, the total subsistence resources required by an individual or family unit as determined by a state and, when unsatisfied by available resources, entitles the individual or family unit to public assistance. [Cases: Social Security and Public Welfare 4.10, 194. 7. C.J.S. Social Security and Public Welfare §§ 11, 18,