Stationers’ Hall
Hist. The hall of the Stationers’ Company, established in London in 1553, at which every person claiming a copyright was required to register as a condition precedent to filing an infringement action.
Hist. The hall of the Stationers’ Company, established in London in 1553, at which every person claiming a copyright was required to register as a condition precedent to filing an infringement action.
Stationers’ Hall 〈英〉书籍出版业公会会馆 位于伦敦市内,系书籍出版业公会〔Stationers’ Company〕所在地,建于1553年。根据1842年《版权法》〔Copyright Act〕,已出版的书籍须在伦敦书籍出版业公会登记注册。此种登记注册目的并不在于保护版权,而是书刊审查制度的一项内容,并且构成版权所有人享有对侵犯其版权的行为提起诉讼这一权利的先决条件。1911年《版权法》废止了有关书籍出版业公会的规定,1956年《版权法》未涉及书籍出版业公会,而且现在也没有为某种目的所要求的登记注册。
Stationers’ Hall. Hist. The hall of the Stationers’ Company, established in London in 1553, at which every person claiming a copyright was required to register as a condition precedent to filing an infringement action. “Accordingly ‘Entered at Stationers’ Hall’ on the title page of books was a form of warning to pirates that the owner