tax rate
tax rate 税率 税额和应税收益或应税财产之间的比率。
tax rate. A mathematical figure for calculating a tax, usu. expressed as a percentage. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3545–3552; Taxation 1061–1065. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 331–333, 335, 358–361, 797; Taxation § 1698.] average tax rate. A taxpayer’s tax liability divided by the amount of taxable income. — Also called effective tax rate. marginal tax rate. In
A mathematical figure for calculating a tax, usu. expressed as a percentage. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3545–3552; Taxation 1061–1065. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 331–333, 335, 358–361, 797; Taxation § 1698.]