征税(收入) 英语:taxation (income) 法语:taxation, imposition 德语:Besteuerung 意大利语:imposizione fiscale, imposta 西班牙语:imposición, impuestos
征税(收入) 英语:taxation (income) 法语:taxation, imposition 德语:Besteuerung 意大利语:imposizione fiscale, imposta 西班牙语:imposición, impuestos
taxation. 1. The imposition or assessment of a tax; the means by which the state obtains the revenue required for its activities. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3001–3007; Taxation 1. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 2, 4; Taxation §§ 1–3, 5–6.] double taxation. 1. The imposition of two taxes on the same property during the same period and