transaction n. (1)办理 (2)交易;业务 (3)相互作用 (4)和解协议 指当事人间为防止或结束争议〔dispute〕互相作出让步而达成的和解协议。
transaction, n. 1. The act or an instance of conducting business or other dealings; esp., the formation, performance, or discharge of a contract. 2. Something performed or carried out; a business agreement or exchange. 3. Any activity involving two or more persons. 4. Civil law. An agreement that is intended by the parties to prevent
和解(妥协) 英语:settlement (compromise) 法语:transaction, arrange- ment amiable 德语:Kompromiss 意大利语:composizione, accordo, transazione 西班牙语:transacción, finiquito, acuerdo, avenimiento