unus nullus rule
unus nullus rule (yoo-n[schwa]s n[schwa]l-[schwa]s). [Latin “one is nobody” + rule] Civil law. The evidentiary principle that the testimony of only one witness is given no weight. Cf. HALF-PROOF(1).
unus nullus rule (yoo-n[schwa]s n[schwa]l-[schwa]s). [Latin “one is nobody” + rule] Civil law. The evidentiary principle that the testimony of only one witness is given no weight. Cf. HALF-PROOF(1).
unus nullus rule (大陆法)一个证人的证言等于没有证言的规则 这是大陆法上的一项证据原则,指单一证人的证言没有份量或没有证明力。在英格兰法中,一般规则是:对证人应衡量其证言的证明力,而不在于证人的数量〔ponderantur testes,non numerantur〕。但有例外情形,如对指控犯有叛国罪或伪证罪的公诉书及对遗嘱的认证,要求有两个证人;离婚诉讼中当事人的证言或对死者的财产主张权利者的证言须有佐证等。