warehouse receipt
warehouse receipt 仓单;栈单;提货单;仓库收据 由仓库或货栈的所有人向货物所有人出具的一种书面凭证,表明该单证项下的货物已存储在订明的仓库或货栈之中。该书面凭证亦具有物权凭证性质,代表着其项下货物的所有权。
warehouse receipt 仓单;栈单;提货单;仓库收据 由仓库或货栈的所有人向货物所有人出具的一种书面凭证,表明该单证项下的货物已存储在订明的仓库或货栈之中。该书面凭证亦具有物权凭证性质,代表着其项下货物的所有权。
warehouse receipt. A document evidencing title to goods stored with someone else; esp., a receipt issued by a person engaged in the business of storing goods for a fee. • A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument and is often used for financing with inventory as security.
仓单 英语:warehouse receipt 法语:certificat d’entrepôt, récépissé-warrant 德语:Lagerschein 意大利语:fede di deposito, ricevuta di deposito 西班牙语:recibe de almacenaje