with recourse
with recourse 有追索权 流通票据背书中的用语,背书人藉以表示自己仍然对票据的支付承担责任。与无追索权〔without recourse〕相对。 (→recourse)
with recourse 有追索权 流通票据背书中的用语,背书人藉以表示自己仍然对票据的支付承担责任。与无追索权〔without recourse〕相对。 (→recourse)
with recourse, adv. (In an indorsement) with liability to subsequent holders. • With this stipulation, one who indorses an instrument indicates that he or she remains liable to the holder for payment. [Cases: Bills and Notes 280, 286. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit§§ 160, 162.]