wraparound mortgage

wraparound mortgage

wraparound mortgage 二次抵押权 指在第一抵押权以外存在的抵押权。这种二次融资形式通常发生在如下情形:抵押人甲在原财产上已设定抵押,贷款人乙以低息向其贷款并取得该财产上的抵押权,后贷款人丙以中等利息向抵押人提供额外贷款,并获得该财产全部价值的次顺位抵押权〔junior mortgage〕。丙所取得的即为二次抵押权。亦作「extended first mortgage」;「allinclusive mortgage」。

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wraparound mortgage

A second mortgage issued when a lender assumes the payments on the borrower’s low-interest first mortgage (usu. issued through a different lender) and lends additional funds. • Such a mortgage covers both the outstanding balance of the first mortgage and the additional funds loaned.12 CFR § 226.17 cmt. 6. — Also termed extended first mortgage;

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