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zygnomic (zig-noh-mik), adj. Of, relating to, or involving an act whose evolution directly abridges the freedom of a person who bears a duty in the enjoyment of a legal advantage. • This rather abstract term was coined by the philosopher Albert Kocourek in his book Jural Relations (1927). Cf. MESONOMIC.
zetetic (zi-tet-ik), adj. Hist. Proceeding by inquiry; investigative. — Also spelled zetetick.
zygostates (zI-goh-stay-teez), n. [Greek] Roman law. An officer who resolved controversies over weight; a public weigher.
zygocephalum (zI-g[schwa]-sef-[schwa]-l[schwa]m), n. [Greek fr. zygo- “yoke, pair” + kephalos “head”] Hist. A measure of land, esp. the amount that can be plowed in one day.