verdict contrary to lawglossary / verdict contrary to law, 违反法律的裁断 verdict contrary to law〈美〉违反法律的裁断 指陪审团在法律不允许其作出裁断的情况下作出的裁断,或者裁断违背了应适用于该案件的法律原则,或违背了法官就法律问题对陪审团所作的指示。 词条贡献者 译者Kelly,美国顶尖商学院国际经济法专业,擅长翻译各种与投资基金与基金顾问诉讼相关的法律文件。
verdict against law verdict against law, 违反法律的裁断 verdict against law 违反法律的裁断 指陪审团在作出裁断时未遵从或忽视法官在法律问题上的指示。即使这些指示是错误的,它们也构成本案的法律,陪审团有责任遵从。 (→verdict contrary to law)
verdict contrary to law verdict contrary to law A verdict that the law does not authorize a jury to render because the conclusion drawn is not justified by…