credit reporting bureau

credit-reporting bureau. An organization that, on request, prepares investigative reports not just on people’s creditworthiness but also on personal information gathered from various sources, including interviews with neighbors, friends, and coworkers. • These reports are used chiefly by employers (for prospective employees), insurance companies (for applicants), and landlords (for prospective tenants). — Also termed investigating […]

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credit bureau

credit bureau. An organization that compiles information on people’s creditworthiness and publishes it in the form of reports that are used chiefly by merchants and service providers who deal directly with customers. • The practices of credit bureaus are regulated by federal (and often state) law. Most bureaus are members of the Associated Credit Bureaus

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credit report

credit report. 1. A credit bureau’s report on a person’s financial status, usu. including the approximate amounts and locations of a person’s bank accounts, charge accounts, loans, and other debts, bill-paying habits, defaults, bankruptcies, foreclosures, marital status, occupation, income, and lawsuits. See CREDIT BUREAU. 2. The report of a credit-reporting bureau, usu. including highly personal

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