Search Results for: class representative

class action

A lawsuit in which the court authorizes a single person or a small group of people to represent the interests of a larger group; specif., a lawsuit in which the convenience either of the public or of the interested parties requires that the case be settled through litigation by or against only a part of

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settlement class

Numerous similarly situated people for whom a claimant’s representative and an adversary propose a contract specifying the payment terms for the class members’ claims in exchange for the release of all claims against the adversary. • During the 1980s and 1990s, mass-tort defendants began using settlement classes as a means of foreclosing claims by some

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merchandise (m[schwa]r-ch[schwa]n-dIz also -dIs). 1. In general, a movable object involved in trade or traffic; that which is passed from hand to hand by purchase and sale. 2. In particular, that which is dealt in by merchants; an article of trading or the class of objects in which trade is carried on by physical transfer;

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collective bargaining

collective bargaining. Negotiations between an employer and the representatives of organized employees to determine the conditions of employment, such as wages, hours, discipline, and fringe benefits. See CONCESSION BARGAINING. [Cases: Labor Relations 171. C.J.S. Labor Relations § 148.] “Collective bargaining means the joint determination by employees and employers of the problems of the em-ployment relationship.

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per capita

per capita (p[schwa]r kap-i-t[schwa]), adj. [Latin “by the head”] 1. Divided equally among all individuals, usu. in the same class (the court will distribute the property to the descendants on a per capita basis). Cf. PER STIRPES . [Cases: Descent and Distribution 43; Wills 530. C.J.S. Descent and Distribution §§ 27–28; Wills §§ 1015–1016.] “Per

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