
censo (sen-soh). [Spanish] Spanish law.

1. The census; specif., an official count of the people within a nation, state, district, or other political subdivision.

2. Ground rent.

3. An annuity or payment for the use of land.

censo al quitar (ahl kee-tahr). A redeemable annuity.

— Also termed censo redimible.

censo consignativo (kawn-seeg-nah-tee-voh). A transferable annuity backed by a lien on the debtor’s real prop-erty. • The debtor retains full legal title to the real property.

— Also termed censo consignatorio.

censo enfiteutico (en-fee-tay-oo-tee-koh). A real property owner’s annuity from a usufructuary tenant; an annuity paid from an emphyteusis (a long-term lease of land). See EMPHYTEUSIS.

censo redimible. See censo al quitar.

censo reservatio (ray-ser-vah-tee-oh). An annuity payable by a grantee of land to the grantor. • The annuity is reserved when the land is transferred to the grantee.

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