employment contractglossary / employment contract A contract between an employer and employee in which the terms and conditions of em-ployment are stated. [Cases: Master and Servant 2. C.J.S. Apprentices § 2; Employer–Employee Relationship §§ 21, 25–26.] 词条贡献者 法律翻译Walker,在一家美国白鞋所担任专职法律翻译,专注翻译各类与特拉华州业务有关的法律文件。
雇佣合同 Anstellungsvertrag, Arbeitsvertrag, contrat de travail, contrato de trabajo, contratto di lavoro subordinato, employment contract, 雇佣合同 雇佣合同 英语:employment contract 法语:contrat de travail 德语:Arbeitsvertrag, Anstellungsvertrag 意大利语:contratto di lavoro subordinato 西班牙语:contrato de trabajo
employment contract employment contract, 僱佣合同 employment contract (1)僱佣合同 僱主和僱员之间有关僱佣期限和条件等内容的协议。 (2)集体劳动协议