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head money

head money. 1. A tax on people who fit within a designated class; a poll tax. See capitation tax, poll tax under TAX. [Cases: Taxation 106. C.J.S. Taxation §§ 1671–1672.] 2. A bounty offered by a government for a prisoner taken at sea during a naval engagement. • This bounty is divided among the officers

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eviction. The act or process of legally dispossessing a person of land or rental property. See FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER. Cf. EJECTMENT. [Cases: Forcible Entry and Detainer 6; Landlord and Tenant 287.] actual eviction. A physical expulsion of a person from land or rental property. [Cases: Landlord and Tenant 171(1). C.J.S. Landlord and Tenant §

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feudatory, adj. Hist. (Of a vassal) owing feudal allegiance to a lord. feudatory, n. Hist. The grantee of a feud; the vassal or tenant who held an estate by feudal service. — Also termed feudary; feodatory. “Every receiver of lands, or feudatory, was therefore bound, when called upon by his benefactor, or immediate lord of

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lewdness. Gross, wanton, and public indecency that is outlawed by many state statutes; a sexual act that the actor knows will likely be observed by someone who will be affronted or alarmed by it. See Model Penal Code § 251. 1. — Also termed open lewdness. Cf. INDECENT EXPOSURE; OBSCENITY. [Cases: Lewdness 1. C.J.S. Lewdness

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neutral, adj. 1. Indifferent. 2. (Of a judge, mediator, arbitrator, or actor) refraining from taking sides in a dispute. neutral, n. 1. A person or country taking no side in a dispute; esp., a country that is at peace and is committed to aid neither of two or more belligerents. Cf. BELLIGERENT. “The rights of

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sum certain

sum certain. 1. Any amount that is fixed, settled, or exact. 2. Commercial law. In a negotiable instrument, a sum that is agreed on in the instrument or a sum that can be ascertained from the document. [Cases: Bills and Notes 157. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit § 135.]

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