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prisoner’s dilemma

prisoner’s dilemma. A logic problem — often used by law-and-economics scholars to illustrate the effect of cooperative behavior — involving two prisoners who are being separately questioned about their participation in a crime: (1) if both confess, they will each receive a 5-year sentence; (2) if neither confesses, they will each receive a 3-year sentence; […]

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disorderly house

disorderly house (1)妨害相邻权的住户 (2)扰乱社会治安的场所 指任何经常发生违反社会治安、损害公共道德行为的场所。其含义很广,包括妓院〔bawdy house〕、赌场〔gambling house〕等类似性质的场所。在普通法上,经营该类场所构成轻罪。根据现行法,在这类场所中从事的行为一般属于违反社会治安的行为,其中一些特定行为往往以犯罪论处。 (→house of ill fame; whorehouse; house of prostitution; lewd house)

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imminent hazard

An immediate danger; esp., in environmental law, a situation in which the continued use of a pesticide will probably result in unreasonable adverse effects on the environment or will involve an unreasonable danger to the survival of an endangered species. 7 USCA § 136(1). [Cases: Environmental Law 423.]

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silentiary (sI-len-shee-air-ee), n. 1. Roman law. An official who maintains order in the imperial palace and on the imperial council; a chamberlain. 2. Hist. An officer who is sworn to silence about state secrets; esp., a privy councillor so sworn. 3. Hist. A court usher who maintains order and esp. silence in the court. —

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agent provocateur

agent provocateur (ay-j[schwa]nt pr[schwa]-vok-[schwa]-t[schwa]rora-zhawn praw-vaw-k[schwa]-tuur), n. 1. An undercover agent who instigates or participates in a crime, often by in-filtrating a group suspected of illegal conduct, to expose and punish criminal activity. 2. A person who entraps another, or entices another to break the law, and then informs against the other as a lawbreaker.

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peonage (pee-[schwa]-nij), n. Illegal and involuntary servitude in satisfaction of a debt. [Cases: Slaves 24. C.J.S. Peonage §§ 3–5.] — peon, n. “Peonage, which is a term descriptive of a condition that existed in Spanish America, and especially in Mexico, and in the territory of New Mexico, and which may be defined as the status

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township n. (1)〈英〉镇区 在英国宪法史上指与堂区相一致的地方政府单位;又指镇〔town〕的区,十户区或村邑〔vill〕,或包括一个小镇的地区。 (2)〈美〉县区 主要是在美国东北和中北部地区设立的政府单位,它是县〔county〕下属单位,通常是36平方英里(大约93平方公里)的区域。有时用civil township将其与6英里见方的测绘区域congressional township相区别,在后一情况下,它并不是一个政府单位。有些州以新英格兰诸州的镇民会议〔town meeting〕为模式设立有县区会议〔township meeting〕,负责征收税款、拨款、制定规则和作为县区的决策机关。县区委员会〔township board〕,无论是选任的还是委任的,一般都有权任命某些官员和行使其他行政职能。如果没有县区会议,县区委员会通常就是县区的决策机关。在一些州的县区里,有一位主要的行政官员,通常称作监督人或受托人〔trustee〕。其他县区政府官员一般包括办事员〔clerk〕、司库〔treasurer〕、确定税款员〔assessor〕、道路监督员〔road commissioner〕和民众救济监督员。县区的职能相当广泛,但其主要职能一般是维护地方道路和管理民众救济。20世纪下半叶,美国的县区体制作为地方政府单位已日渐削弱,有些地区则已取消,其职能转移给县。 (3)〈美〉(美国政府测绘中)六英里见方的区域

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chirograph (kI-r[schwa]-graf), n. 1. Civil law. A handwritten instrument. 2. A written deed, subscribed and witnessed. — Also termed cyrographum. 3. Such a deed in two parts from a single original document separated by an indented line through the word chirographum, each party retaining one part. 4. Hist. FOOT OF THE FINE. — Also termed

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bureau of labor statistics

Bureau of Labor Statistics. An independent agency in the U.S. Department of Labor responsible for compiling and analyzing statistical information on employment and the economy. • The Bureau reports on employment, unemployment, consumer and producer prices, consumer expenditures, import and export prices, wages and employee benefits, productivity and technological change, employment projections, and occupational illness

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