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ita lex scripta est

ita lex scripta est (I-t[schwa] leks skrip-t[schwa] est). [Latin] So the law is written. • This expression means that the law must be obeyed despite the apparent rigor of its application. The idea is that we must be content with the law as it stands, without inquiring into its reasons. — Sometimes shortened to ita

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sovereignty (sahv-[[schwa]-]rin-tee). 1. Supreme dominion, authority, or rule. [Cases: International Law 8. C.J.S. International Law §§ 25–28.] popular sovereignty. A system of government in which policy choices reflect the preferences of the majority of citizens. state sovereignty. See STATE SOVEREIGNTY. 2. The supreme political authority of an independent state. 3. The state itself.“It is well

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Declaration of Rights

Declaration of Rights 《权利宣言》 1在1688年的光荣革命中,英国议会为解决因国王詹姆斯二世〔James Ⅱ〕逃亡而引起的宪法性危机,决定立威廉和玛丽为国王和女王。但这并不是无条件的,议会于1689年2月13日通过《权利宣言》,对王权进行限制,规定了议会所享有的一系列权利。《权利宣言》被规定在后来通过的《权利法案》〔Bill of Rights〕之中;2在美国,指1774年10月在费城举行的第一届大陆会议〔First Continental Congress〕通过的体现各殖民地代表意见的决议。决议历数了英国议会的立法对其权利的侵犯,要求英国政府给予殖民地以一定范围的自治权利,宣称殖民地人民享有生存、自由和财产等权利。英国统治集团却没有接受这一要求,继续实行野蛮的殖民政策,从而使英国与北美殖民地的矛盾更加尖锐,最终导致了1775年独立战争的爆发。《权利宣言》的部分内容也被规定在1776年第二届大陆会议通过的《独立宣言》〔Declaration of Independence〕之中。

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control, n. The direct or indirect power to direct the management and policies of a person or entity, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise; the power or authority to manage, direct, or oversee (the principal exercised control over the agent). superintending control. The general supervisory control that a higher court in

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pro re nata

pro re nata (proh ree nay-t[schwa]). [Latin “in the light of what has arisen”] Hist. By reason of emergency; arising from exigent circumstances. • The phrase appeared, for example, in reference to a meeting called to address an emergency. “So far as may be, the state leaves the rule of right to be declared and

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