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redhibitory action

Civil law. An action brought to void a sale of a thing having a defect that renders it either useless or so flawed that the buyer would not have bought it in the first place. See REDHIBITION. [Cases: Sales 113; Vendor and Purchaser 123. C.J.S. Sales §§ 123, 128–129, 199; Vendor and Purchaser §§ 300–305.]

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esnecy (es-ni-see), n. Seniority; the condition, right, or privilege of the eldest-born. • The term esp. applied to the privilege of the eldest among coparceners to make a first choice of shares upon a voluntary partition. — Also termed aesnecia.

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creationism. The teaching of the biblical version of the creation of the universe. • The United States Supreme Court held unconstitutional a Louisiana law that forbade the teaching of the theory of evolution unless biblical creation was also taught. The Court found that the law violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment because it

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defendemus (di-fen-d[schwa]-m[schwa]s). [fr. Latin defendere] We will defend. • This term was used in conveyancing to require the donor and the donor’s heirs to defend the donee against any attempted encumbrance not specifically agreed to. Although defendeus was not a warranty, it became part of the warranty clause “shall and will warrant and forever defend.”

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retroactive law

retroactive law. A legislative act that looks backward or contemplates the past, affecting acts or facts that existed before the act came into effect. • A retroactive law is not unconstitutional unless it (1) is in the nature of an ex post facto law or a bill of attainder, (2) impairs the obligation of contracts,

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