redhibitory action

redhibitory action

redhibitory action (大陆法)退货之诉 由于所售货物存在缺陷或瑕疵,致其完全无法使用或使用极为不便而要求退货之诉。可以假定若购买人知道这种缺陷就不会购买。购买人在诉讼中提出出卖人已违反其明示或默示的保证,并要求全部或部分退货,索还全部或部分货款。

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redhibitory action

Civil law. An action brought to void a sale of a thing having a defect that renders it either useless or so flawed that the buyer would not have bought it in the first place. See REDHIBITION. [Cases: Sales 113; Vendor and Purchaser 123. C.J.S. Sales §§ 123, 128–129, 199; Vendor and Purchaser §§ 300–305.]

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