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conqueror, n. [fr. Law French conquerir “to acquire”] Hist. 1. One who acquires territory by force during war with the intention of exercising sovereignty. See CONQUEST(1). 2. The first person who acquired land by purchase; one who first brought an estate into a family. See CONQUEST(2); PURCHASE(2). conqueror, vb. [Latin] To complain. • Conqueror served […]

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law agents

law agents 〈苏格兰〉法律事务代理人 该词原指在苏格兰没有获得出庭律师〔advocate〕资格的法律执业者,现在称为事务律师〔solicitor〕。17世纪末期,在苏格兰最高民事法院〔Court of Session〕形成了三类法律事务代理人:出庭律师的一等书记员〔advocates’ first clerks〕、令状盖印官〔writers to the signet〕和事务律师〔solicitors〕。第一类是为进入律师界正在学习的年轻人,他们作为法律事务代理人与当事人进行协商,但到19世纪中期时这一群体便消失了。第二类,即令状盖印官曾长期被禁止在最高民事法院执业,但在1754年取得了这一权利。第三类,即事务律师首次被提到是在1600年,后逐渐发展起来并确立其地位,其执业的权利也于1754年得到认可,并逐渐形成事务律师协会被并入苏格兰最高法院〔Supreme Courts of Scotland〕。1873年的《法律事务代理人法》〔Law Agents Act〕确立了在整个苏格兰境内统一的法律事务代理人资格考试,并废除了专属执业的特权。想要成为法律事务代理人者必须跟随一位正在执业的法律事务代理人做5年学徒(大学毕业生为3年),并通过规定的考试。1883年成立了法律事务代理人协会〔Incorporated Society of Law Agents〕,旨在形成一个包括所有法律事务代理人的社团。1925年更名为苏格兰法律事务代理人协会〔Scottish Law Agents Society〕。1933年将所有这类法律执业者统一称为事务律师,但原名称仍时被使用。1949年苏格兰事务律师协会〔Law Society of Scotland〕成立。

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comprint. (kom-print).Copyright. Hist. The surreptitious and supposedly illegal printing of another bookseller’s copy of a work. • Despite the word’s appearance as a legal term in dictionaries since 1706, no such offense ever existed. The term, which is properly a verb meaning “to share in printing (a book),” was first given this erroneous definition by

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FAS.abbr. 1. FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP. 2. FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME. 3. FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE . fas (fas), n. [Latin] Roman law. 1. Moral law of divine origin; divine law. • Jus, by contrast, is created by man. See JUS. 2. What is right, proper, lawful, and permitted. Cf. NEFAS. “The first element to be noted in

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common recovery

common recovery. Hist. An elaborate proceeding, full of legal fictions, by which a tenant in tail disentailed a fee-tail estate. • The action facilitated land transfer by allowing a potential transferee who was barred by law from receiving land to “recover” the land by suing the actual owner. Common recoveries, which were abolished early in

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so help me god

so help me God. The final words of the common oath. • The phrase is a translation, with a change to first person, of the Latin phrase ita te Deus adjuvet “so help you God.” See ITA TE DEUS ADJUVET. [Cases: Oath 5; Witnesses 227. C.J.S. Oaths and Affirmations §§ 4, 8–13; Witnesses § 394.]

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sequestrator (see-kwes-tray-t[schwa]r). 1. An officer appointed to execute a writ of sequestration. “[A] sequestrator was an officer of the Court of Chancery acting under the order of that court in seizing property. The law courts appear, however, to have held that the holder of the property could resist seizure by the officer of the Court

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